Week 3 - Rock-Paper-Scissors challenge

After two weeks of OOP in Ruby, several GitHub repos and more pairing programming than recommended by the doctor, we started the third week with an introduction to the web. We learnt the internet basics such as the relation between...

Week 2 - Takeaway challenge

The challenge of the second week of course was related to OOP in Ruby and the usage of 3rd party software. Particularly, we had to use the Twilio API in order to send SMS-notifications. Our application is a simple takeaway...

Week 1 - Airport challenge

The first weekend challenge of my Ronin course at Makers Academy was intended to test several topics seen during the 4 weeks of PreCourse and the first week of course. The main topics were: Command line Ruby Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)...

Linked lists, hashes and recursion in Ruby

The last three challenges of the session 3 of the ruby-kickstart use some nested hashes to create what is called a linked list. In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes pointing to...

Cheat sheet for some shell and Git commands

The first week of PreCourse is almost finished and we have worked with two main topics that are essential for any programmer: the command line and Git. I want to share with you some of the commands that I found...