The last three challenges of the session 3 of the ruby-kickstart use some nested hashes to create what is called a linked list.
In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes pointing to the next node by means of pointer. It is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence. Under the simplest form, each node is composed of data and a reference (in other words, a link) to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows for efficient insertion or removal of elements from any position in the sequence. From
I find very useful the diagrams and images to reinforce learning. So, I hope that the representations below can help you to understand this concept. I decided to share this with you because the images really helped me to figure out what this was all about.
Linked list in images

The last node is linked to a terminator used to signify the end of the list.
- Head: Points to the first node in the linked list
- Tail: Points to the last node in the linked list
Using hashes to build the linked list:
We start by creating a hash called head
in this example:
head = {:data => 1, :next => nil}
This line will create a linked list that so far only contains one node. So, that node is both the head and tail.
To add a new node to the list, we do the following:
head = {:data => 2, :next => head}
At this point, our list can be represented like this:
We can progressively add more nodes to the list, always linking to the next node in the sequence. Let’s add one more node:
head = {:data => 3, :next => head}
The graphical representation of our list is:
And the full hash is:
$ head
# => {:data=>3, :next=>{:data=>2, :next=>{:data=>1, :next=>nil}}}
With that in mind, we have to create some methods to manipulate linked list. Let’s see an example.
The exercices need to be solved using recursion. Click here to see the Ruby Kickstart - Introduction to Recursion video.
Implementing recursive methods can be tricky, and I admit that I spent a lot of time trying to solve this challenge. This post is my two cents to help you solving those challenges of session 3. As a bonus, I am sharing a little recursive function that can be used to calculate the number of nodes of a given list. This does not solve any of the challenges, but can work as a guide to take some ideas and try to implement your solution.
def countNodes(list, count = 1)
return count if list[:next] == nil
countNodes(list[:next], count += 1)
This method accepts two parameters, a list (hash) and a variable that is used to count the number of nodes that is initialised to 1. If you are already in the tail of the list, list[:next]
will be nil
and you can return the number of nodes count
. Notice that if you pass a list with only one node, the method will return 1, that is, the value by default. Otherwise, you call recursively the countNodes method passing as arguments the next node of the list and incrementing the count in 1. So, each time you call the method, the count will increment in one unit until arriving to the tail. At that moment, the method returns the result.