Week 10 - Final Project

For the final project, I decided to participate in a game development project. The idea was to learn a new JavaScript framework for HTML5 called Phaser. You can see the slides of the presentation we made for the project here:...

Week 8 - Makerthon

Week 8 was fully dedicated to Makerthon. Makerthon is a code marathon where a group of 4-5 students work on a project that is agreed on Monday morning and must be presented the very same week on Friday afternoon. The...

Week 7 - Instagram challenge

The seventh week of course introduced a new framework: Ruby on Rails. Ruby is a general-purpose programming language, though it is best known for its use in web programming. Rails is a ruby gem that extends the Ruby programming language....

Week 5 - Bowling challenge

A new programming language was introduced in the fifth week of the course. We started learning JavaScript, a language used by 92% of sites on the web. Together with JavaScript, the course introduced Jasmine as the testing framework and jQuery,...

Week 4 - Chitter challenge

The challenge for the fourth week was building a simplified Twitter clone that will allow users to post messages (aka peeps) to a public stream. This challenge requires the implementation of user authentication process. Different technologies are used in this...